- Analysis of key documents on European strategy and space policy on medium and long term promoted by ESA and EU bodies about the European space field;
- Identification of major directions and objectives favorable to be approached by the Romanian entities in order to increase their competitiveness;
- Identify the entities involved in R&D, industrial and human resource training activities in the Romanian space and related fields;
- SWOT analysis for Romanian entities working in R&D, industry and human resource training in the space field;
- Evaluation of current level of performance to determine the development potential in the main entities from space sector;
- Analysis of the main entities from the space-related fields developing R&D, industrial and technological activities, able to participate to projects, activities and applications in the space field;
- Identify the industrial niches at national and European level in the field of space, to be accessed by the Romanian entities with manufacturing activities, assessed as having development potential for participation in the ESA programs;
- Harmonization of internal activity with the Technology Master Plan set by ESA;
- Defining within the activities identified in the program topics, for the principle of obtaining and preservation of intellectual property rights (IPR) at the national level;
- Annual Report - "Space Activities in Romania";
- Elaboration of the project "National Strategy for space and related fields" on medium and long term;
- Scientific, technical and financial training and support for the delegations and the analysis of the ESA Committee activities;
- Promotion and dissemination of the project results at scientific and technical events.