Work Package
Phase no. | Work package title | Start | End |
1 | Analysis of the European space strategy and space policy as instruments in the service of internal and external policies of the EU and its social, economic and strategic imperatives, in order to identify the major directions and objectives for Romanian entities participation to projects, products, activities and applications for the European space area. | 22.10.2012 | 15.12.2012 |
2 | Identification of Romanian entities with development potential for participation in R&D, industrial and human resource training activities, in the mandatory and optional ESA programs. | 16.12.2012 | 31.07.2013 |
3 | Identification of Romanian entities from areas related to space field - aeronautics and security etc. with development potential for realization of projects, products, activities and applications for space field. | 1.08.2013 | 16.12.2013 |
4 | Identify industrial niches at national and European level in the space area, harmonization with the Technology Master Plan, Technology Readiness Level and the forecast on IPR for increasing the contribution of Romanian entities to fulfillment of ESA programs | 17.12.2013 | 30.06.2014 |
5 | Defining the directions and objectives for strategic development on medium and long term for participation of Romanian entities to achievement of national program STAR and ESA priorities - Galileo and GMES projects, and the projects on climate change, security, competitiveness and space exploration | 1.07.2014 | 15.12.2014 |
6 | Defining the National Strategy for space and related fields, and strategy implementation having as main instrument for implementation the national program of Space Technology and Advanced Research - STAR and also the ESA programs for Romania | 16.12.2014 | 22.10.2015 |
In the first phase of the project was developed the study "Analysis of the European space strategy and space policy as instruments in the service of internal and external policies of the EU and its social, economic and strategic imperatives, in order to identify the major directions and objectives for Romanian entities participation to projects, products, activities and applications for the European space area".
The study analyzes the main documents of European space policy and space strategy on medium and long term promoted by ESA and EU institutions on the European space sector.
From the multitude of strategy documents were selected for analysis the following documents:
- "Europe 2020 – A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth", a reference document of the European Commission
- ESA Annual Report 2010, presenting the results obtained in the reporting year
- "Towards a space strategy for the EU that benefits its citizens" - communication from the European Commission
- ESA Sustainable Development Report, defining the directions for sustainable development and for the future of European space activities.
They show among others the directions and priorities in this area on the medium and long term to be considered for participation of Romanian entities to many activities and applications in the mandatory and optional ESA programs.
Through their analysis were identified the opportunities for the participation of Romanian entities in ESA programs and activities, based on the latest proposals for development directions, priority space programs and targets of interest, made by ESA on 20-21 November 2012:
1.Earth Observation ; 2.Human Spaceflight and Exploration ; 3.Launchers ; 4.Telecommunications and Integrated Applications ; 5.Navigation ; 6.Program on SSA (Space Situational Awareness) ; 7.Technology and Innovation
The results of the first phase allowed the creation of a database containing relevant information on the development directions and objectives of national space sector on the medium and long term, as well as opportunities for participation of Romanian entities to R&D and technological programs and to manufacture of electrical, electronic and electromagnetic components for ESA space products and services.
The data and information will be updated during the project and will be used in the next phases for the development of planned studies and, finally, for the national strategy for space and related fields.
The second phase refers to the identification of Romanian entities with development potential for participation in R&D, industrial and human resource training activities, in the mandatory and optional ESA programs.
To update the information on the main entities involved in R&D, technological and manufacturing, applications and services, and specialists training in the space field were selected the following categories:
- Entities that acquired and develop strategic and CDI projects funded by the STAR program and their partners
- Entities that are recorded in the EMITS system, and being considered as potential actors due to the interest to participate in projects funded by ESA and addressed exclusively to Romanian entities
The selected entities were grouped into three sets as follows:
- The set of entities comprising higher education and academic institutions, other educational systems conducting training activities for the space field, including the research centers within them;
- The set comprising institutes, agencies, or research-development centers, non-profit organizations, working in the space area;
- The set of entities comprising companies carrying R&D, manufacturing, technological, applications and services activities in the space field in the ESA programs or having contracts with major European organizations in the space field.
For each of the main entities involved were created records containing relevant information to assess and identify the Romanian entities with development potential for participation in the ESA and STAR programs.
The lists for the three sets of entities together with individual detailed records represent the database updated in the current year regarding the key players from our country involved in activities in the space field.
In the third phase of the project were identified Romanian entities from areas related to space field (aeronautics, security etc.) with development potential for realization of projects, products, activities and applications for space field.
In the study were identified and evaluated companies from areas related to space field performing activities or declaring interest for Romanian space field, and having development potential for participation in various projects and activities in the ESA programs and the national program STAR.
The entities covered by the study were selected taking into account similarities to the space field, taken as the criteria for analysis.
For each company were created records containing relevant information to assess and identify the Romanian entities from space-related areas with development potential for realization of projects, products, activities and applications in the ESA programs for Romania and the STAR program.
The individual detailed records for these companies represent the database updated in the current year regarding the Romanian entities from space-related areas involved/interested in developing activities in the space field.
Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that some of the companies included in the study, having the expertise and the technical and technological capabilities presented in the annexed records, depending upon the complexity of the space projects in what they will be involved, will be able to perform entirely or partially the requirements imposed in the space field, from the point of view of industrial capabilities, human resource and infrastructure.
The fourth phase had as main goals to identify industrial niches in the space field and to study the intellectual property rights provisions.
The identification of industrial niches uses the results of studies and analyzes conducted in previous phases of the project. Were identified industrial niches based on the existing level of performance and the development potential of the Romanian industrial entities. The main activity of Romanian industrial entities involved in space field and related areas covers a wide range of works, and the existing capabilities in these industrial entities is a complex whole that can provide a multitude of facilities and opportunities for developing industrial niches activities in the space field.
The marketing analysis on the space market for products, activities and applications shows that the global market is growing and the competition is increasing as a result of the emerging space nations. In this context, it points out more than ever the need for European autonomy in strategic areas of the space field, promoting and defending the Europe's independent access to space.
The study of technological readiness level for harmonize the identified niche activities with the ESA requirements was based on "Technology Readiness Level Handbook", developed by ESA for space applications, that sets the standard measure of the maturity of new technologies.
It is presented the European Space Technology Master Plan - ESTMP, prepared by ESA together with the European Commission, ESA Member States and the European industry.
Intellectual property is regarded on the two components, on one side the industrial property, and the copyright and related rights on the other.
From current national legislation have been selected and are summarized:
- Law nr.64/1991 on the Patents, one of the special laws governing the protection of industrial property rights;
- Law nr.8/1996 on the copyright and related rights, governing the protection of intellectual property rights.
In the fifth phase of the project were defined the directions and the objectives for strategic development on medium and long term for the Romanian entities participation to the achievement of the national program STAR and ESA priorities.
The study considered:
- Integration into general directions, priorities and objectives set by strategy documents related to sustainable development, research&development and also programs for space, issued in the European Union (the European Commission Communications and the ESA Report), and at national level, through the National Sustainable Development Strategy Romania 2013-2020-2030; National Strategy for Research and Innovation 2014-2020; The STAR program - Space Technology and Advanced Research
- Directions from complex multi-criteria analysis based on data from the second, third and fourth phases of the project, which led to the identification of development potential of Romanian entities
- Directions and objectives for development of the entities involved / interested in industrial or research activities in the space field, according to the database realised by the presentations submitted by these entities to the project coordinator.
As a result of the activities carried out, were defined the directions and objectives for strategic development on medium and long term for increasing the participation of Romanian entities from space and related areas to ESA and STAR programs and also to the projects on climate change, security, competitiveness and space exploration. It was taken into account the development potential of Romanian entities involved / interested in the space and related fields, having as main standard the harmonization of national interest with the objectives of the ESA and the European Union.
An important result was also the editing of the first version of the Space Catalogue, presenting the research and technological capabilities of the Romanian entities currently involved in space activities, covering a wide range of areas.
The sixth phase of the project aimed to define the national strategy for space and related fields, having as main instrument of implementation the national program of Space Technology and Advanced Research - STAR.
The medium and long-term strategy was developed based on data and studies from previous phases, harmonized with the national strategy for sustainable development, the EU space policy and ESA programs. The national strategy for space and related fields defined the directions and development objectives on medium and long term that may decisively cause the participation of Romanian entities in activities and applications in the space programs. The strategy, through its implementation, will be the core of the strengthening and the sustainable development of the Romanian space field on medium and long term.
The study presented the current situation and development of space field at international level and in our country to highlight the current level of performance and development potential, as well as strategic directions / goals on medium and long term for EU, ESA and Romania. It was also highlighted the space community in Romania, formed of research, industry and academic organizations.
Based on the results from previous phases and certain criteria related to national and European directions for development, the general and specific objectives were defined for the scientific, techno-industrial and economic development of the organizations working in space and related fields.
The main directions of the national strategy are defined according to the specific nature of activities carried out by organizations from the space community.
Finally we presented the principles of implementation for the strategy and the institutional framework, having as main instrument of implementation the Program for Research, Development and Innovation STAR, under the responsibility and management of ROSA.
An important result was also the space catalogue “Space Activities in Romania 2014-2015”, presenting the capabilities of the Romanian organizations involved in space and related activities, playing an important role in promoting the Romanian space sector.